About Me
My name is Brian Lott and I am running for State Representative, 47th District, Position 2 .
I have lived in many parts of this country and our great state of Washington. While there is certainly value in residing in a single place for a whole life, I think it is noteworthy when a person who has lived in a lot of places decides to set roots in a particular community. It’s a fact, I love where I have chosen to live and see the potential for this area to become a true gem of western Washington.
Growing up in Washington, my close relationship with my grandfather shaped my childhood and the person I am today. He taught me about values and activities important to our family and many others in our state: respect and stewardship for our natural resources, fishing, hiking, camping, responsible logging and much more. I joke that the reason I was able to find my way back to Washington State after living in different parts of this country is because he taught to how to avoid getting lost. He showed me the importance of family, friends and community. He taught me not to be afraid to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty with hard work.
These are values that guide my entire life.
I know how to get things done and find solutions to challenging issues. I’ve always been a problem solver and in my early 20’s I started my career in project management. Decades of working as a project manager has given me a wealth of experience to draw when looking at an issue and seeing the best path forward. I believe solutions require input from all stakeholders and I have been very successful with bringing all parties to a table and finding solutions that everyone can agree upon. I feel this approach has been lost, with few willing to come to the table and truly find solutions that work.
In 2005 I started a business that grew to employ 150 staff operating the largest private fleet of alternative fuel passenger buses in the state.
I’ve started successful small businesses and I’ve had incredible opportunities to work on some of the most complex projects all over the country. I am always up for a new challenge, and right now the 47th District has its fair share of challenges. And with challenges, come opportunities for positive change.
My wife and I are thrilled to be living in Auburn and the 47th District. We purchased our home right before the COVID pandemic and I am proud of the work we’ve put into it. We love our neighbors and appreciate the small things in life, like being able to walk to our favorite restaurants and shops.
I would be honored to earn your vote so that I can use my experiences and love for this community and state to ensure it lives up to its full potential!